At Saracens, we help families deal with the legal and practical issues that follow the loss of a loved one. We are able to assist with the administration of a person’s estate. We will assist executors to obtain probate or acquire letters of administration to allow them to deal with and distribute the estate of the deceased. We also advise if inheritance tax is payable. Contact us now to discuss.
The loss of a loved one can be a stressful and upsetting time. At Saracens, we are experienced in helping families deal with the many legal and practical issues that follow bereavement. Our solicitors can provide you with pragmatic advice in relation to the administration of an individual’s estate. A persons ‘estate’ will often consist of property and other tangible assets. It is the responsibility of an executor to ensure that these assets are distributed to the beneficiaries in accordance with the deceased’s wishes / intentions.
We can assist executors to obtain probate or, if the deceased did not leave a will, obtain letters of administration authorising specified persons to deal with the estate. The law in England does not require named executors in a will to accept their appointments. As an executor, you can instruct Saracens who will assist in administering the estate.
Upon death, an individual’s estate i.e. his / her assets are generally frozen until such time as the Probate Registry grants authority to a named executor. The authority is known as a grant of probate. Again, where no will has been put in place, family members may seek to apply for a letter of administration.
One of the main concerns for family members following death of a loved one is the potential inheritance tax liability. Saracens can help to evaluate the size of someone’s estate to provide an indication of the tax that may be payable. Our team will work alongside tax advisors where tax mitigation is possible. We will also prepare the necessary documentation to help you obtain the grant of probate / letter of administration. Our aim is to ensure that the administration process is dealt with as smoothly and efficiently as possible.