
We typically advise and act for clients with claims in excess of £15,000.00. Based on your circumstances, we will be able to provide you a consultation or advise on the next steps available to you. Please leave an enquiry with us and we will get back to you.

Negligence is the legal term for conduct which falls below the standard expected of a reasonably prudent person in similar circumstances. It is established under tort law and requires a duty of care owed to the potential claimant, a breach of that duty of care, causation and damage.

There are many areas of daily life where such duties exist, from doctor and patient to solicitor and client. Duties of trust often exist where you place trust in the hands of professionals who then fail to meet the standards of skill and care in the performance of the required service. Our litigation team can assist with all aspects of negligence claims from establishing a claim and causation to issuing Court proceedings and obtaining the appropriate remedy.

Medical / Clinical Negligence

One of the occasions when people place their unconditional trust in the hands of another is when being treated by a doctor, nurse or other health care professional. If your health has suffered as a result of poor treatment when you are most vulnerable, our experienced lawyers can help you.

Many people find the claim process adds to the strain and stress caused by the injury they have suffered. We can step in to ensure this burden is taken from you and handled by our team of experts. We will explain the requirements of the law to you to determine whether medical / clinical negligence caused you harm.

Our litigation team is dedicated to guiding victims of medical accidents from medical assessment through to settlement or trial, to recover compensation for their pain and suffering.

Professional Negligence

Professional negligence litigation raises sensitive issues for all parties involved and there is usually a great deal at stake for professionals who are subject to such claims. Such proceedings can have wide reaching implications on the professional’s financial and personal life.

On the other hand you may find yourself having suffered damages due to the negligent conduct and inaction of a professional individual or organisation. The professionals in question may be solicitors, barristers, architects, surveyors, brokers or bankers, all of whom owe a duty of care to their clients and customers in a professional capacity. If that professional has breached the duty of care owed to you and caused you loss, you can bring a claim for professional negligence against them.

We advise on all aspects of professional negligence concerning a wide range of professions and act for claimants and defendants. Our team will attempt to reach confidential and cost-effective solutions quickly, whether through negotiation or other informal dispute resolution or court proceedings.