The law relating to planning in England is complex. Saracens will guide you to ensure that the correct approach is adopted from the outset. Local authorities have varying planning policies depending upon the locality and surrounding area. It is therefore vital that your planning application meets the requirements of national as well as local planning policies. We will advise you on the particular requirements of the local authority in question.
If you are thinking of redeveloping a site, it is vital that you adopt a pragmatic approach to planning issues as this will often have implications on the commercial viability of a project. Our team of solicitors are well placed to co-ordinate all aspects of a project and will help manage a team of experts to ensure your application is processed without undue delay.
Regardless of the size of the development, a common pitfall of many planning applications is the failure to submit the correct supporting documents and presentation of the same. With our experience we will ensure your application is submitted with all the requisite plans and certificates. Once submitted, we will regularly advise you on the progress and deal with any problems that may arise.
With larger developments, local authorities will require the developer to enter into a section 106 agreement. This agreement will set out specific planning obligations (usually with the view of benefiting the local community) which bind the developer. The agreement will also dictate the circumstances and timeframe in which the obligations need to be fulfilled. Our planning team will advise you on the terms of the agreement, your obligations and the time limits imposed by the local authority.
Saracens are also experienced in advising land owners in respect of enforcement action. If you have been served with an enforcement notice, it is crucial that immediate action is taken. By carefully analysing the conditions attaching to a planning consent, we will advise you if a breach has been committed. We act quickly so that the appropriate action can be taken to remedy the situation and protect your interests as a land owner.
Request a call back to discuss matters with our advisors.